Funny Pictures – February 6, 2019Odd Stuff I switched out my co-worker’s cheat sheets while he was out. via The Ass Family via CVS in a Boston accent. via My SO is going through chemo, and each time she is going with a different theme. This week it’s bananas. She’s handing out frozen chocolate covered bananas to other patients and telling them that “This whole thing is bananas!” via My life via Reality is often disappointing. via My boyfriend bought me a coloring book.. via My attempt to get a new trash can without making a phone call. via These high school quotes. via I want to play a game via Not sure how that’s relevant, but ok. via In Case of Accident I have found rock bottom! via The Loudest Sounds on Earth. via Dammit, Abby! via Relatable.. via That looks more like if you sit on this fence your parent will push you in. via