Funny Pictures – July 14, 2015

Filet Minion.

Filet Minionvia

Dope sandals, But what if you cross your legs?

Dope sandals, But what if you cross your legs?via

My wife was pissed when she saw I posted this picture on Facebook, guess there are better ways to inform her that I know she’s sleeping with someone else.

>My wife was pissed when she saw I posted this picture on Facebook, guess there are better ways to inform her that I know she's sleeping with someone else.via

Finally found out how to use selfie sticks.

Finally found out how to use selfie sticks.via

My home town paper, an unfortunate fold.

Unfortunate Paper Foldvia

When my wife leaves town, I get bored. Six days into her vacation I joked “I’m going to have a formal dinner with the cats.” Then I thought about it for a while….

When my wife leaves town, I get bored. Six days into her vacation I joked "I'm going to have a formal dinner with the cats." Then I thought about it for a while..via

Father of the year.

Father of the year.via

Best Education.

Learning about the birds and the beesvia

July 14th. Never forget.

Died after eating library paste

This prick.

Footprints in concretevia

Teenage Mutant Ninja Renaissance Artists.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Renaissance Artistsvia

Setup wizard.

Setup Wizard

Married With Children would get cancelled after a few episodes in today’s society.

Married With Children would get cancelled after a few episodes in today's society.

“We’re gonna need a bigger crib”

We're gonna need a bigger cribvia

Stop dreaming out loud.

Stop dreaming out loudvia

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