Funny Pictures – May 10, 2022

I asked my girlfriend to cut the potatoes in half. Those are teeth marks.

I asked my girlfriend to cut the potatoes in half. Those are teeth marks

The way my rabbit looks when he relaxes.

The way my rabbit looks when he relaxes

Mother’s Day at the local bar.

Mother’s Day at the local bar

Ah yes, “Actual” size.

Ah yes, Actual size

A cat next to CAT watching another cat outside the CAT Shop.

A cat next to CAT watching another cat outside the CAT Shop

I really wanted only 3 but for some reason I decided to get 4 of them. (KFC in Maine).

I really wanted only 3 but for some reason I decided to get 4 of them. (KFC in Maine)

A few days late, but here is my Mexican coworker on Cinco de Mayo. He wore this all day while we served enchiladas and guacamole.

A few days late, but here is my Mexican coworker on Cinco de Mayo. He wore this all day while we served enchiladas and guacamole

My favorite flavor of soup!

My favorite flavor of soup!

This Lego tiger came anatomically accurate.

This Lego tiger came anatomically accurate

Public service announcement.

Public service announcement

“Curl with a pearl earring”.

Curl with a pearl earring

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