Funny Pictures – August 3, 2021

My favorite genre.

My favorite genre

The name they chose for this scent!

The name they chose for this scent

My girlfriend said I need a new wallet, I really don’t see why. My old works just fine.

My girlfriend said I need a new wallet, I really don't see why. My old works just fine

Found this on my doorstep this morning.

Found this on my doorstep this morning

They don’t mess around.

They don't mess around

Seen in a Walmart parking lot.

Seen in a Walmart parking lot

Handy yet specific section in my local library.

Handy yet specific section in my local library

While insulating walls for a client, I noticed the small cavities above a window were filled with old newspaper. Pulled all the newspaper out so that I can install fiberglass insulation. This was one of the newspaper pages.

While insulating walls for a client, I noticed the small cavities above a window were filled with old newspaper. Pulled all the newspaper out so that I can install fiberglass insulation. This was one of the newspaper pages

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