Funny Pictures – December 12, 2019

Marc’s Milking Service

Marc's Milking Service

Let children believe in Santa…

Let children believe in Santa...

I’m sick. I’m a millennial. Figured I’d take down the tissue industry with me.

I’m sick. I’m a millennial. Figured I’d take down the tissue industry with me

Be careful what you let your kitten know about ancient Egypt, I believe mine has started getting ideas..

Be careful what you let your kitten know about ancient Egypt, I believe mine has started getting ideas..

The important stuff

The important stuff

Motion sensor light in our office is obscured and it’s at a desk of a coworker who works a different shift. This is our high tech solution to keep the lights on until maintenance gets around to changing it.

Motion sensor light in our office is obscured and it's at a desk of a coworker who works a different shift. This is our high tech solution to keep the lights on until maintenance gets around to changing it

The family I babysit for sent out their Christmas cards and I just got mine.

The family I babysit for sent out their Christmas cards and I just got mine

Who said chivalry is dead?

Who said chivalry is dead?

My niece doesn’t like the Grinch apparently.

My niece doesn't like the Grinch apparently

My partner’s coworker made herself this.

My partner’s coworker made herself this

If I had 100 friends I would…

If I had 100 friends I would...

“Oh boy!”

“Oh boy!”

A clean PC

A clean PC

Husky or a seal?

Husky or a seal?

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