Funny Pictures – February 2, 2023

My neighbor’s carpool lane solution. Would love to see them pulled over trying to explain this to the cop.

Cool Stuff My neighbor’s carpool lane solution. Would love to see them pulled over trying to explain this to the cop

Got my first motorcycle recently and had to do some poses.

Got my first motorcycle recently and had to do some poses

This sign in my new apartment building. I live on the 28th floor.

This sign in my new apartment building. I live on the 28th floor

Always proofread your work…

Always proofread your work...

I don’t think the bushes suspect a thing.

I don’t think the bushes suspect a thing

Wife bought a hat that I can only describe as Dumb and Dumber Sherlock Holmes.

Wife bought a hat that I can only describe as Dumb and Dumber Sherlock Holmes

Eat the devil’s corn..

Eat the devil's corn..

Car with bumper stickers saying they support police has a police scanner in the front to avoid police.

Car with bumper stickers saying they support police has a police scanner in the front to avoid police

Just saw this at my office.

Just saw this at my office

Best burger in town

Best burger in town

Sign at a restaurant.

Sign at a restaurant

My 50 pound dog still likes to get carried like when she was a baby.

My 50 pound dog still likes to get carried like when she was a baby

When you live in Svalbard, Norway and forget to close the window in the office.

When you live in Svalbard, Norway and forget to close the window in the office

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