Funny Pictures – May 4, 2021

Someone’s got to clean up these dirty streets, guess it has to be me..

Someone's got to clean up these dirty streets, guess it has to be me..

Went to change the toilet paper in my boyfriend’s bathroom.

Went to change the toilet paper in my boyfriend's bathroom

I caught my goldfish and my 2 puppies staring at each other.

I caught my goldfish and my 2 puppies staring at each other

My friend showed up to his favorite Ramen restaurant to find this list of policies that used images of him from his last visit.

My friend showed up to his favorite Ramen restaurant to find this list of policies that used images of him from his last visit

Four months old and found like this, face down in a random lid after thrashing everything she could find.

Four months old and found like this, face down in a random lid after thrashing everything she could find

Don’t smoke underwater.

Don’t smoke underwater

Doesn’t matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear.

Doesn't matter how badass you are, sometimes ya just need your pooh bear

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